
Youth Leadership

Youth Leadership
" the growth and development of our 
young leaders is our only guarantee 
that tomorrow will be better"
John C. Maxwell

Youth Leadership  

What if … we could train and mentor our youth to become our future community leaders by helping them:

  • learn, articulate, and live out positive personal values
  • become aware of how their personal actions impact our larger community
  • develop their desire and ability to positively engage others in our community
  • learn and live-out respect, compassion and empathy for others
  • become aware of and leverage the synergistic value of diversity
  • develop high, but achievable expectations of self, others and our community
  • articulate and live out a strong sense of purpose / calling
  • develop the flexibility to lead or follow based on the needs and best interest of the group
  • develop leadership skills that include the ability to:
  • connect, influence and add value to others
  • recognize the need for, and lead positive change
  • create and communicate a clear and compelling vision
  • build and lead diverse teams
  • share power and delegate tasks
  • resolve conflicts

Triad Youth Leadership Programs

Triad partners with families, schools, churches, governments, non-profits and traditional employers to augment and enhance their existing programs based on John Maxwell’s extensive work in the youth development and youth leadership arenas. 

Being certified as a speaker, coach and trainer with the John Maxwell Team, we have license and access to the following Maxwell programs:

Youth Exploratory Report

Maxwell’s Youth Exploratory Report is a simplified DISC Behavior Assessment designed specifically for youth which can be completed real-time in a training / facilitation session. 

It’s great for youth to get immediate feedback and explore their behavior styles, especially in a peer setting, that also provides insights on how to optimize their relationships with other behavior types.

The assessment consists of 19 questions which are self-scored and 7 pages of analytics to provide youth with:
  • An assessment of their personality behavior / profile
  • An outline of their key strengths and opportunities for growth
  • Examples of career paths that utilize their strengths
The assessment adds tremendous value to youth to better understand themselves and set a path toward optimizing their unique style and potential.

It helps youth discover their calling, increase their competence, enhance their character, and establish valuable connections for serving others, and making a positive difference in their personal relationships, work, and communities. 


YouthMax is Maxwell’s initial and time-tested training in the area of youth development and youth leadership. YouthMax is designed to equip youth with skills that help them discover their leadership potential and identify ways to lead in all aspects of their lives. 

Specific training is provided in the following detailed modules:
  • Stand up and be counted (Stop the bullying)
  • Fail forward to success
  • Developing a positive self-image
  • Developing a strong personal character

YouthMax Plus

YouthMax Plus was developed by Maxwell’s Youth Ambassador Nick Vujicic based on Nick’s personal triumphs of living an amazingly powerful life with no arms and no legs. 

As part of Nick’s No Limits life message to adolescents around the world, we are able to use the following teaching modules each of which is embedded with a personal video message to the kids from Nick:
  • 3 Important Letters – YOU
  • 5 Steps to success
  • Failure is important
  • The Kind Connection
  • Your true strength

iChoose / iLead / iDo

The John Maxwell Foundation was established to grow leaders to transform their world – one family, one school, one community, one country at a time. 

Through the foundation, Maxwell has created a values-based, youth-facilitated, discussion-focused transformation model for choosing, leading and doing.

This innovative program design has been used internationally to change entire countries. It provides the opportunity to discover and commit to shared values and establish collaborative action steps to address community needs, problems and opportunities for positive change. 

The three-year youth leadership curriculum has fully designed chapter modules that can easily be facilitated by youth themselves that includes:
  • iChoose which focuses on how values impact leadership
  • iLead which focuses on influencing as the most powerful form of leadership
  • iDo that puts leadership to work by implementing agreed upon strategies and goals for change in communities 

Global Youth Initiative (GYI)

GYI was established by the Maxwell Youth Team to bring awareness to the need and opportunity to develop adolescents as future leaders of tomorrow.  

Each April and October, members of the 40,000 strong John Maxwell Team reach out to youth and their connected adults to offer no-cost awareness and leadership training programs for a few hours, a day or several days. 

Over 1,000,000 youth have benefitted from the GYI program since its inception.

Maxwell Books

For the past 40 years Maxwell has been a prolific author, speaker, trainer, coach, and mentor in multiple settings spanning churches, schools, businesses, non-profits, and US and international governments. 

He has written nearly 100 books on the topic of personal development and leadership. 

Most have been written for a broad audience and are applicable and helpful to both adults and youth.

However, there are several that he has “rewritten” specifically to influence, engage and empower youth to include:
  • 21 Indisputable Qualities of a Leader (seen as a fundamental guide-book)
  • Intentional Living – finding your why / seeking your purpose – on purpose
  • Leading from the Lockers – an age-appropriate and fun, but practical book
  • Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn – encouraging youth to learn the benefits of failure without seeing themselves as a failure
  • 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth – in order to add value to people and organizations, we must grow its leaders – a classic for helping youth reach their personal and career potentials
  • Becoming A Person of Influence - focuses on 10 critical behavior traits that can help positively impact and add value to others
  • Everyone Communicates but Few Connect – one can’t influence if there is no connection – so in order to lead, we must be meaningfully connected in a trust me, like me, and believe that I can help you, relationship 

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